SAP webdynpro uygulamalarında sağ tıklama menüsünü gizlemek için detaylı SAP dokümanı aşağıdaki gibidir.
You can deactivate personalization options at two levels:
In the application, you can define that the end user is to have no personalization opportunity at all (WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION application parameter).
You can define that Web Dynpro built-in personalization is not required for individual components. To do so, choose Edit Configuration Data and enter not allowed for Web Dynpro built-in configuration data
webdynpro ugulamasındaki iken üst menüden Düzenle – > Konfigurasyon Verileri den istediğiniz özelliği Allow vet not Alllow yapabilirsiniz ingilizce versiyon için Edit -> Configuration Data
Source – Kaynak :
URL Parameters and Application Parameters
To control the Web Dynpro for ABAP runtime or the Web Dynpro for ABAP application, you can use the following URL query string parameters in a request URL.
You simply extend the relevant URL in the browser:
<schema>://<host>.<domain>.<extension>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/<namespace>/<application name>?<parameter name>=<parameter value>
The parameter names are not case sensitive, nor are the parameter values (exception: sap-exiturl, if it is pointed to a case-sensitive server). You can combine several parameters in one URL.
More Information:
URL of a Web Dynpro Application
Calling a Web Dynpro Application Using Parameters
URL Parameters for Web Dynpro
The URL parameters for Web Dynpro all begin with sap-wd-. This reserves the sap-wd- prefix for SAP. The table below contains a list of URL parameters and values that are relevant for Web Dynpro for ABAP.
ssrClient (default value)
xmlClient (automatically inserted by the smart client)
Key used to select a special client
We recommend not entering anything here, so that the default value ssrClientis used.
<ID of the configuration>
Configuration ID
The semantics correspond to the WDCONFIGURATIONID application parameter
Delta rendering mode. See also: WDDELTARENDERING application parameter.
X |
X |
With X, the new rendering is switched on; for values other than X, the classic rendering is used.
X |
true |
Web Dynpro console display. More information: Security Aspects for Web Dynpro ABAP
X |
Displays the initial screen when a Web Dynpro ABAP application is started.
SAP URL Parameters
SAP also provides the following general URL parameters for all browser-based SAP front-end technologies.
These general URL parameters all begin with sap-. The sap- prefix is reserved for SAP, just likesap-wd and sap-ls.
X |
X |
Right-to-left support
<two character language code>
See below and Configuration Settings
<three character abbreviation for client>
The sap-client parameter is determined as follows, whereby the first applicable method is used:
1. Using the sap-client URL parameter
2. Using the standard client in the system logon configuration (transaction SICF)
3. Using the standard client in the system (you can find the requirement for the profile parameter login/system_client in the transaction RZ11, profile maintenance takes place using the transaction RZ10)
More information: Determining the Client
URL for using cascading style sheets
Pay attention to the settings for the white list.
<user name>
User ID used for user mapping
X |
Help mode for an application. More information: Explanation
X |
Configuration mode
This parameter is set automatically if the application is running in the portal in the preview mode, or is running from the Web Dynpro explorer in the Development Workbench from the menu option Web Dynpro Application → Test → Execute in Administration Mode. This parameter is always evaluated if personalization is called.
More information: Personalization Authorization Checks
sap-config-mode=config is available for the Configuration of the ALV Display. For more information, see Saving Configuration Data Records.
<release>.<service pack>.<YYYYMMDDHHMM>
Portal version
This parameter is resolved by the portal manager. It is used to integrate a Web Dynpro application into the SAP NetWeaver, or to determine the portal version. See also Portal Integration.
Parameters of an Application in Web Dynpro Explorer
You can also set application parameters in a Web Dynpro application in the Web Dynpro explorer.
This is done on the Parameters tab page in a Web Dynpro application. You can either define your own parameters or select one of the predefined parameters:
This parameter is used to activate support for accesibility.
This parameter can be activated in all of the placed named below. OR logic is used (the parameter can be activated in one place). This parameter is normally either defined on a user-specific basis or passed to the URL for test purposes.
Name of the user parameter: ACCESSIBILITY_MODE
Name of the URL parameter sap-accessibility
Passes the ID of the application configuration. Typically, this ID is specified either in the application (various applications are defined for the use of various application configurations) or is defined from the portal as a parameter in the iView.
Name of the URL parameter sap-wd-configid
For many applications, it has proven sensible to only send changed views to the client. However, this increases the effort for detecting changes and increase test effort since the application must be completely tested with delta rendering active. Typically, this parameter is set in the application. However, it sometimes makes sense to set the URL parameter for test purposes. If the context changes are to be traced (in WD_TRACE_TOOL, you have to set this parameter.
This application parameter can have the following values:
○ OFF (default value)
Deactivates view-based delta rendering.
○ ON
Activates view-based delta rendering.
As an alternative to this application parameter, you can use the sap‑wd‑deltaRendering URL parameter for view-based delta rendering. This parameter always overrides the application parameter.
Suppresses the personalization options for the end user. More information: Personalization
This parameter can be used to prevent users from making changes to the UI. The parameter is usually set in the application, in the application configuration, or globally. It is not intended to be used as a URL parameter.
Displays the initial screen when a Web Dynpro ABAP application is started.
Note that this parameter is deprecated if the WDLIGHTSPEED parameter is active; in such cases it is not evaluated.
The Web Dynpro framework automatically compares the versions of the portal and Web Dynpro for ABAP style sheets. If the Web Dynpro for ABAP has a newer version, the WDA style sheet is used. This avoids unattractive rendering and JavaScript errors. Bear in mind that any customer branding will be lost. You can deactivate this behavior again using the WDFORCEEXTERNALSTYLESHEET application parameter.
See also SAP Notes 1033496 and 1073498.
The display of the extended help is deactivated by default. For selected individual fields you can reactivate the F1 help; see also Property Explanationapurl_link_0001_0001_0001.
This parameter is deactivated by default.
Name of the URL parameter sap-wd-inlinecss
Activates the new rendering technologie (activated by default in EhP1).
The new rendering technology can be activated and deactivated per client, per application or in the URL. A distinction is made between the parameter being there with an empty value (classical rendering is used) and the parameter not being there (the default value is used).
Name of the URL parameter sap-wd-lightspeed
It specifies that the application should run with the SSL (HTTPS) protocol and that no scripting between the portal and the application is allowed.
Note that when you set this parameter, the portal integration no longer functions without any restrictions. Portal eventing does not work anymore. Session handling is also affected (navigating away from iView or closing the browser), as is the work protection mode.
Note also that the BIApplicationFrame UI element does not work properly if you use this parameter.
Specifies that the metadata belonging to an application is loaded into the shared memory. This can lead to memory performance problems.
When using this parameter, make sure that the shared memory is large enough.
Determines the scrolling mode for Tables.
There are the following options:
○ No specification
Default value, navigation using paginators
Navigation using paginators
Navigation using scroll bars
Specifies the style sheet for the application without portal integration.
The following style sheets are available:
○ sap_chrome
○ sap_hcb
○ sap_highcont
○ sap_standard
○ sap_tradeshow
○ sap_tradeshow_plus
If the WDLIGHTSPEED parameter is active, this parameter – which is active by default – renders show and hide effects for popups, for example. You can deactivate this parameter for performance reasons.
Name of the user parameter: WDUSEANIMATION
You can also set these parameters (or even one of them) globally for all Web Dynpro for ABAP applications. To do this, execute the WD_GLOBAL_SETTING Web Dynpro for ABAP application, select change mode, and enter the required value of the parameter for all applications.
Set Parameter
You can set the parameters described above in the following places:
- In the Web Dynpro application (in transaction SE80 in the Web Dynpro Explorer for the application on theParameters tab page).
- In the application configuration (CONFIGURE_APPLICATION Web Dynpro application, Parameters tab page).
- Globally for all applications and a specific client (GLOBAL_SETTING Web Dynpro application).
- For the user and all applications (user parameters – only possible for some parameters).
- For the current call (as a URL parameter – in this case, the parameter names are not case-sensitive).
Order of Evaluation
The setting options are evaluated in the order below:
- In the parameters determined by the URL
- For the standard parameters defined for the Web Dynpro application
The logon language is determined or proposed from the sources listed below: These sources are evaluated in the order below whereby the first in the list is the decisive source.
- sap-language URL parameter (see above)
- Default language in the setting for the system logon
- Web browser languages (Accept-Language)
- Default language of the SAP system
The language from the user account in the SAP system is not evaluated.
The relevant language must be installed in your system.
More Information:
Configuration Settings
Personalization and Customizing
The concepts for the component and application configuration refer to design processes that were implemented at design time and by application developers. Personalization and customizing, on the other hand, take place at runtime and are executed by users or administrators.
The end user of a Web Dynpro application can influence, to a certain degree, the appearance of the view displayed in the browser. The Web Dynpro Framework provides the option of changing some of the properties of the Web Dynpro built-in configuration (see Component Configuration). The central modification option relates to thevisibility property. Without any additional effort for an application developer, the end user of an application can use this property to hide or display individual UI elements in the view currently displayed.
End users can therefore mainly only hide elements on the screen. But they can also move table columns, define the number of rows visible in a table, and predefine values.
To open the relevant dialog process, the user positions the cursor on a UI element, opens the context menu, and chooses the relevant option from the User Settings submenu.
Sometimes, however, it can be appropriate to personalize properties that were created with the help of component-defined configuration in the context of the configuration controller. In this case, the dialog for access on behalf of the user to values of the configuration controller context must be created and programmed in a separate view explicitly by the application developer.
Note that the system saves the data for the Web Dynpro built-in and component-defined personalization together for each memory action (including actions such as an end user removing a button at runtime). However, you can specify that the system should save only the changed explicit data and not the entire content of the configuration controller. To do so, call the SUPPORT_DELTA_HANDLING on theIF_WD_PERSONALIZATION interface.
In addition, the jump from the personalizing view to the personalization dialog must be created and implemented actively.
In the WDR_TEST_PERS_IMP_EXP demo application, which is contained in your system in the SWDP_TESTpackage, you will find a special personalization view called PERS_VIEW.
Otherwise, you can separately define for each Web Dynpro component that Web Dynpro built-in personalization for the end user/administrator is not required.
Deactivation of Personalization
You can deactivate personalization options at two levels:
In the application, you can define that the end user is to have no personalization opportunity at all (WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION application parameter).
You can define that Web Dynpro built-in personalization is not required for individual components. To do so, choose Edit Configuration Data and enter not allowed for Web Dynpro built-in configuration data.
These settings must be made by SAP application development. As a result, the user does not see the corresponding entry in the context menu and old, stored data cannot be used, either.
Preset Setting
The InputField and TextEdit input-ready UI elements can be given a default value in end user personalization. As an end user, you do this by opening the context menu of the UI element and choosing Set Current Value as Default.
Embedding Web Dynpro Built-In Configuration Options in the Personalization Dialog
If a personalization dialog is created explicitly by application developers, it can be appropriate to also embed the personalization of the Web Dynpro built-in configuration option – for example, on an additional tab page. In this case, the user would have the advantage of uniform handling. Embedding takes place with the help of a component interface already provided, whereby further programming of this Web Dynpro built-in part of the personalization dialog is no longer required.
The prepared Web Dynpro component interface to be used is called IWD_PERSONALIZATION and provides an interface view that, in turn, must be embedded in the window of the component used. This interface has a method called INIT_PERSONALIZATION, which is called in a method of the main component (for example, WDDOINIT of the component controller). The reference to the view controller for the view element to be personalized as well as the ID of this view element must be passed to the INIT_PERSONALIZATION method.
Customizing: User-Independent, Client-Wide Modifications
While a single user – during a personalization process – can manipulate his or her own settings, an administrator has the option of executing customizing settings for a larger range of users. Technically, this procedure is not different from personalization; both take place at runtime of an application. The difference lies in the range of the settings. In addition, an application for group settings must run in a special administration session. This is always automatically the case if an application was started in the portal in the preview session. Independently of the portal, you can start an application in the following manner from within the workbench in administration mode:
Double-click the name of the application in the object list.
In the Web Dynpro Applications menu in the upper, left-hand corner of the Workbench window, choose Test Execute in Admin Mode .
The configuration mode is passed to an application as the sap-config-mode=X URL parameter.
All the adjustments made by the administrator in admin mode are stored as client-specific. Presently no option is available for structuring smaller user groups on an administrative basis. Since cross-client adjustment takes effect for the respective configuration variant, the structuring of smaller groups can be implemented currently through the maintenance of different configuration variants.
A context menu for individual user personalization opens when the relevant element is right-clicked or left-clicked. In the corresponding context menu of an administrator (with the sap-config-mode=X URL parameter), you can access a dialog box for changing the settings of user groups.
An administrator can sort either individual rows (gridLayout, MatrixLayout, and RowLayout) or individual elements (FlowLayout) within a UI element container.
An administrator requires a special authorization for client-wide modifications. This can be a developer authorization or the special authorization S_WDR_P13N. You cannot create configurations at design time with this authorization, but you can make modifications at runtime.
These modifications are valid for all users but take place in a single client.
Customer-Defined Enhancement Fields (Custom Extension Fields)
The context of a Web Dynpro application is often based on the structure of the ABAP Dictionary. Customers can enhance these structures by adding any number of fields without modification (Append Structures) or by using CI fields (Customizing Includes). You can make fields of append structures or CI fields visible at runtime using client-wide adjustment in the application layout.
More information:
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Şub 11 2015
SAP Webdynpro ekran özelleştirmesi kapatmak. WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION disable right click menu for webdynpro
SAP webdynpro uygulamalarında sağ tıklama menüsünü gizlemek için detaylı SAP dokümanı aşağıdaki gibidir.
You can deactivate personalization options at two levels:
In the application, you can define that the end user is to have no personalization opportunity at all (WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION application parameter).
You can define that Web Dynpro built-in personalization is not required for individual components. To do so, choose Edit Configuration Data and enter not allowed for Web Dynpro built-in configuration data
webdynpro ugulamasındaki iken üst menüden Düzenle – > Konfigurasyon Verileri den istediğiniz özelliği Allow vet not Alllow yapabilirsiniz ingilizce versiyon için Edit -> Configuration Data
Source – Kaynak :
URL Parameters and Application Parameters
To control the Web Dynpro for ABAP runtime or the Web Dynpro for ABAP application, you can use the following URL query string parameters in a request URL.
You simply extend the relevant URL in the browser:
<schema>://<host>.<domain>.<extension>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/<namespace>/<application name>?<parameter name>=<parameter value>
The parameter names are not case sensitive, nor are the parameter values (exception: sap-exiturl, if it is pointed to a case-sensitive server). You can combine several parameters in one URL.
More Information:
URL of a Web Dynpro Application
Calling a Web Dynpro Application Using Parameters
URL Parameters for Web Dynpro
The URL parameters for Web Dynpro all begin with sap-wd-. This reserves the sap-wd- prefix for SAP. The table below contains a list of URL parameters and values that are relevant for Web Dynpro for ABAP.
ssrClient (default value)
xmlClient (automatically inserted by the smart client)
Key used to select a special client
We recommend not entering anything here, so that the default value ssrClientis used.
<ID of the configuration>
Configuration ID
The semantics correspond to the WDCONFIGURATIONID application parameter
Delta rendering mode. See also: WDDELTARENDERING application parameter.
X |
X |
With X, the new rendering is switched on; for values other than X, the classic rendering is used.
X |
true |
Web Dynpro console display. More information: Security Aspects for Web Dynpro ABAP
X |
Displays the initial screen when a Web Dynpro ABAP application is started.
SAP URL Parameters
SAP also provides the following general URL parameters for all browser-based SAP front-end technologies.
These general URL parameters all begin with sap-. The sap- prefix is reserved for SAP, just likesap-wd and sap-ls.
X |
X |
Right-to-left support
<two character language code>
See below and Configuration Settings
<three character abbreviation for client>
The sap-client parameter is determined as follows, whereby the first applicable method is used:
1. Using the sap-client URL parameter
2. Using the standard client in the system logon configuration (transaction SICF)
3. Using the standard client in the system (you can find the requirement for the profile parameter login/system_client in the transaction RZ11, profile maintenance takes place using the transaction RZ10)
More information: Determining the Client
URL for using cascading style sheets
Pay attention to the settings for the white list.
<user name>
User ID used for user mapping
X |
Help mode for an application. More information: Explanation
X |
Configuration mode
This parameter is set automatically if the application is running in the portal in the preview mode, or is running from the Web Dynpro explorer in the Development Workbench from the menu option Web Dynpro Application → Test → Execute in Administration Mode. This parameter is always evaluated if personalization is called.
More information: Personalization Authorization Checks
sap-config-mode=config is available for the Configuration of the ALV Display. For more information, see Saving Configuration Data Records.
<release>.<service pack>.<YYYYMMDDHHMM>
Portal version
This parameter is resolved by the portal manager. It is used to integrate a Web Dynpro application into the SAP NetWeaver, or to determine the portal version. See also Portal Integration.
Parameters of an Application in Web Dynpro Explorer
You can also set application parameters in a Web Dynpro application in the Web Dynpro explorer.
This is done on the Parameters tab page in a Web Dynpro application. You can either define your own parameters or select one of the predefined parameters:
This parameter is used to activate support for accesibility.
This parameter can be activated in all of the placed named below. OR logic is used (the parameter can be activated in one place). This parameter is normally either defined on a user-specific basis or passed to the URL for test purposes.
Name of the user parameter: ACCESSIBILITY_MODE
Name of the URL parameter sap-accessibility
(configuration name. More information: Application Configuration)
Passes the ID of the application configuration. Typically, this ID is specified either in the application (various applications are defined for the use of various application configurations) or is defined from the portal as a parameter in the iView.
Name of the URL parameter sap-wd-configid
View-based Delta Rendering.
For many applications, it has proven sensible to only send changed views to the client. However, this increases the effort for detecting changes and increase test effort since the application must be completely tested with delta rendering active. Typically, this parameter is set in the application. However, it sometimes makes sense to set the URL parameter for test purposes. If the context changes are to be traced (in WD_TRACE_TOOL, you have to set this parameter.
This application parameter can have the following values:
○ OFF (default value)
Deactivates view-based delta rendering.
○ ON
Activates view-based delta rendering.
As an alternative to this application parameter, you can use the sap‑wd‑deltaRendering URL parameter for view-based delta rendering. This parameter always overrides the application parameter.
Suppresses the personalization options for the end user. More information: Personalization
This parameter can be used to prevent users from making changes to the UI. The parameter is usually set in the application, in the application configuration, or globally. It is not intended to be used as a URL parameter.
Displays the initial screen when a Web Dynpro ABAP application is started.
Note that this parameter is deprecated if the WDLIGHTSPEED parameter is active; in such cases it is not evaluated.
The Web Dynpro framework automatically compares the versions of the portal and Web Dynpro for ABAP style sheets. If the Web Dynpro for ABAP has a newer version, the WDA style sheet is used. This avoids unattractive rendering and JavaScript errors. Bear in mind that any customer branding will be lost. You can deactivate this behavior again using the WDFORCEEXTERNALSTYLESHEET application parameter.
See also SAP Notes 1033496 and 1073498.
The display of the extended help is deactivated by default. For selected individual fields you can reactivate the F1 help; see also Property Explanationapurl_link_0001_0001_0001.
This parameter is deactivated by default.
Name of the URL parameter sap-wd-inlinecss
Activates the new rendering technologie (activated by default in EhP1).
The new rendering technology can be activated and deactivated per client, per application or in the URL. A distinction is made between the parameter being there with an empty value (classical rendering is used) and the parameter not being there (the default value is used).
Name of the URL parameter sap-wd-lightspeed
Makes using Web Applications Without Domain Relaxing secure.
It specifies that the application should run with the SSL (HTTPS) protocol and that no scripting between the portal and the application is allowed.
Note that when you set this parameter, the portal integration no longer functions without any restrictions. Portal eventing does not work anymore. Session handling is also affected (navigating away from iView or closing the browser), as is the work protection mode.
Note also that the BIApplicationFrame UI element does not work properly if you use this parameter.
Specifies that the metadata belonging to an application is loaded into the shared memory. This can lead to memory performance problems.
When using this parameter, make sure that the shared memory is large enough.
Determines the scrolling mode for Tables.
There are the following options:
○ No specification
Default value, navigation using paginators
Navigation using paginators
Navigation using scroll bars
Specifies the style sheet for the application without portal integration.
The following style sheets are available:
○ sap_chrome
○ sap_hcb
○ sap_highcont
○ sap_standard
○ sap_tradeshow
○ sap_tradeshow_plus
If the WDLIGHTSPEED parameter is active, this parameter – which is active by default – renders show and hide effects for popups, for example. You can deactivate this parameter for performance reasons.
Name of the user parameter: WDUSEANIMATION
You can also set these parameters (or even one of them) globally for all Web Dynpro for ABAP applications. To do this, execute the WD_GLOBAL_SETTING Web Dynpro for ABAP application, select change mode, and enter the required value of the parameter for all applications.
Set Parameter
You can set the parameters described above in the following places:
Order of Evaluation
The setting options are evaluated in the order below:
The logon language is determined or proposed from the sources listed below: These sources are evaluated in the order below whereby the first in the list is the decisive source.
The language from the user account in the SAP system is not evaluated.
The relevant language must be installed in your system.
More Information:
Configuration Settings
Personalization and Customizing
The concepts for the component and application configuration refer to design processes that were implemented at design time and by application developers. Personalization and customizing, on the other hand, take place at runtime and are executed by users or administrators.
The end user of a Web Dynpro application can influence, to a certain degree, the appearance of the view displayed in the browser. The Web Dynpro Framework provides the option of changing some of the properties of the Web Dynpro built-in configuration (see Component Configuration). The central modification option relates to thevisibility property. Without any additional effort for an application developer, the end user of an application can use this property to hide or display individual UI elements in the view currently displayed.
End users can therefore mainly only hide elements on the screen. But they can also move table columns, define the number of rows visible in a table, and predefine values.
To open the relevant dialog process, the user positions the cursor on a UI element, opens the context menu, and chooses the relevant option from the User Settings submenu.
Sometimes, however, it can be appropriate to personalize properties that were created with the help of component-defined configuration in the context of the configuration controller. In this case, the dialog for access on behalf of the user to values of the configuration controller context must be created and programmed in a separate view explicitly by the application developer.
Note that the system saves the data for the Web Dynpro built-in and component-defined personalization together for each memory action (including actions such as an end user removing a button at runtime). However, you can specify that the system should save only the changed explicit data and not the entire content of the configuration controller. To do so, call the SUPPORT_DELTA_HANDLING on theIF_WD_PERSONALIZATION interface.
In addition, the jump from the personalizing view to the personalization dialog must be created and implemented actively.
In the WDR_TEST_PERS_IMP_EXP demo application, which is contained in your system in the SWDP_TESTpackage, you will find a special personalization view called PERS_VIEW.
Otherwise, you can separately define for each Web Dynpro component that Web Dynpro built-in personalization for the end user/administrator is not required.
Deactivation of Personalization
You can deactivate personalization options at two levels:
In the application, you can define that the end user is to have no personalization opportunity at all (WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION application parameter).
You can define that Web Dynpro built-in personalization is not required for individual components. To do so, choose Edit Configuration Data and enter not allowed for Web Dynpro built-in configuration data.
These settings must be made by SAP application development. As a result, the user does not see the corresponding entry in the context menu and old, stored data cannot be used, either.
Preset Setting
The InputField and TextEdit input-ready UI elements can be given a default value in end user personalization. As an end user, you do this by opening the context menu of the UI element and choosing Set Current Value as Default.
Embedding Web Dynpro Built-In Configuration Options in the Personalization Dialog
If a personalization dialog is created explicitly by application developers, it can be appropriate to also embed the personalization of the Web Dynpro built-in configuration option – for example, on an additional tab page. In this case, the user would have the advantage of uniform handling. Embedding takes place with the help of a component interface already provided, whereby further programming of this Web Dynpro built-in part of the personalization dialog is no longer required.
The prepared Web Dynpro component interface to be used is called IWD_PERSONALIZATION and provides an interface view that, in turn, must be embedded in the window of the component used. This interface has a method called INIT_PERSONALIZATION, which is called in a method of the main component (for example, WDDOINIT of the component controller). The reference to the view controller for the view element to be personalized as well as the ID of this view element must be passed to the INIT_PERSONALIZATION method.
Customizing: User-Independent, Client-Wide Modifications
While a single user – during a personalization process – can manipulate his or her own settings, an administrator has the option of executing customizing settings for a larger range of users. Technically, this procedure is not different from personalization; both take place at runtime of an application. The difference lies in the range of the settings. In addition, an application for group settings must run in a special administration session. This is always automatically the case if an application was started in the portal in the preview session. Independently of the portal, you can start an application in the following manner from within the workbench in administration mode:
Double-click the name of the application in the object list.
In the Web Dynpro Applications menu in the upper, left-hand corner of the Workbench window, choose Test Execute in Admin Mode .
The configuration mode is passed to an application as the sap-config-mode=X URL parameter.
All the adjustments made by the administrator in admin mode are stored as client-specific. Presently no option is available for structuring smaller user groups on an administrative basis. Since cross-client adjustment takes effect for the respective configuration variant, the structuring of smaller groups can be implemented currently through the maintenance of different configuration variants.
A context menu for individual user personalization opens when the relevant element is right-clicked or left-clicked. In the corresponding context menu of an administrator (with the sap-config-mode=X URL parameter), you can access a dialog box for changing the settings of user groups.
An administrator can sort either individual rows (gridLayout, MatrixLayout, and RowLayout) or individual elements (FlowLayout) within a UI element container.
An administrator requires a special authorization for client-wide modifications. This can be a developer authorization or the special authorization S_WDR_P13N. You cannot create configurations at design time with this authorization, but you can make modifications at runtime.
These modifications are valid for all users but take place in a single client.
Customer-Defined Enhancement Fields (Custom Extension Fields)
The context of a Web Dynpro application is often based on the structure of the ABAP Dictionary. Customers can enhance these structures by adding any number of fields without modification (Append Structures) or by using CI fields (Customizing Includes). You can make fields of append structures or CI fields visible at runtime using client-wide adjustment in the application layout.
More information:
By Burhan KARADERE • Bilişim - IT Haber, SAP, WebDynpro • 0 • Tags: click, disable, disable rigt click menu for webdynpro, gizlemek, rigt, RTL, SAP, webdynpro