Oca 18 2016
Raspberry pi veya ubuntu PHPMyAdmin kurulumu
Raspberry pi veya ubuntu PHPMyAdmin kurulumu Kaynak : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-phpmyadmin-on-ubuntu-14-04 How To Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on Rasperry Pi and Ubuntu 14.04 Introduction While many users need the functionality of a database management system like MySQL, they may not feel comfortable interacting with the system solely from the MySQL prompt. phpMyAdmin was created so that users can interact […]
Oca 20 2016
Ubuntu veya rasperry pi remote desktop bağlantı sağlamak
Ubuntu veya rasperry pi remote desktop bağlantı sağlamak
mstsc [] [/v:] [/admin] [/f[ullscreen]] [/w:] [/h:] [/public] | [/span] [/edit “bağlantı dosyası”] [/migrate] [/?]
By Burhan KARADERE • 2015 - 2016 • 0 • Tags: bağlantı, Desktop, pi, rasperry, remote, sağlamak, Ubuntu, veya