Sony mobile wirless lens. QX10 ve QX100 modellleri. Lansmanı yapıldı.


Sony mobile wirless lens. QX10 ve QX100  modellleri. Lansmanı yapıldı.

(SR5) Hot! First images of the new DSC-QX10 and DSC-QX100 lens-cameras!

[yotube eNNb1ST6ypM] 

özellikler aşağıdaki gibidir.

manuel kullanma kılavuzu.

1) Power Button

2) Microphone
3) Display Panel
: Indicates that the card is not inserted
: Indicates the remaining battery charge
4) Hook for belt
5) Tripod
6) Ring Control (DSC-QX100)
7) The power / charge / movie
Green: Power on
Orange: running charging
Red: running video
8) Zoom lever
9) shutter button
10) Multifunctional jack
11) RESET button

Dimensions (standard CIPA): özçüler . 
DSC-QX100: 62,5 mm × 62,5 mm × 55,5 mm (W / H / D)
DSC-QX10: 62,4 mm × 61,8 mm × 33,3 mm (W / H / D)
Weight (standard CIPA) (including battery pack NP-BN, “Memory Stick Micro”):
DSC-QX100: approx. 179 g
DSC-QX10: approx. 105 g
Power Supply: Rechargeable Battery Pack NP-BN, 3,6 In the
Power consumption (during shooting): 1.1 W

The QX100 has the same RX100MII sensor and  Zeiss lens ($600 here on Amazon).
The QX10 has the same 1/2,3 inch 18 megapixel CMOS sensor and  f/3,3-5.9 lens as the Sony WX150 ($400 on Amazon).

As I wrote yesterday the new QX lens-cameras will be announced on September 4th! We will follow the event live so be sure to be online on SonyAlphaRumors that day!



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