Mac Parallels Desktop 9 çıktu. Parallels Desktop 8 yeni versiyonu 9 a yükseltin. Parallels Desktop 9 özellikleri


Merhabalar , Mac üzerinde virtual -sanal  pc kullanmaya olanak sağlayan mac ‘in en başarılı  yazılımlarından  Parallels Desktop 8 artık yeni  versiyonuna 9 yükseltildi .

İşte karşınızda Parallels Desktop 9 bu yeni üsrümle ile beraber winodows 8 ve windows 8.1 tam uyumluluk ve yanında ek ma ile ortak paylaşım özellikleri geliyor icloud ve bir çok özellik ortak paylaşımlı kullanılabiliyor videoyu izlemeniz yeterli

[youtube Copuyw_qQdA]

Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac  özellikleri aşağıdaki gibidir.

Indispensable Conveniences

  • New! PowerNap extends to Windows and Windows applications so you’re always up to date
  • New! Mountain Lion Dictionary gesture works in Windows applications
  • New! Connect Thunderbolt and Firewire devices to either your Mac or your virtual machine – just like you do with USB devices
  • Enhanced! The New Virtual Machine wizard makes it even easier to create new virtual machines, automatically locating operating systems on your machine or letting you manually select a range of media types to install


  • 40% better disk performance than the previous version
  • Virtual machines shut down up to 25% faster than the previous version
  • Virtual machines suspend up to 20% faster than the previous version
  • 3D graphics and web browsing is 15% faster than the previous version


  • iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive and SkyDrive optimizations eliminate duplication of files locally

Peace of Mind

  • New! Get stuff done in Windows 8 with a “real” Start menu and the ability to run Modern (Metro) apps in a separate window rather than in full screen
  • New! The Security Center makes it easy for you to be sure all your stuff is secure, both on your Mac and in your Windows virtual machine
  • New! OS X Mavericks (10.9) and Windows Blue (8.1) support


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