May 5 2016
.ist ve .istanbul uzantıları nedir ?
.ist ve .istanbul uzantıları nedir ? Satın almaya gerek var mı ?
Merhabalar nic.istnabul yani orta doğu üniversitesi kontrolü ile satışa başlayan .ist ve .istanbul internet alan adları projesi İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi nin bir projesidir. yani veya şeklinde bir web sitesi isim hakkı alıp yayına başlayabilirsiniz.
Peki ne oldu com ve net ve diğer uzantılara. bu uzantılar sona ulaştığından dünya da bu işi yöneten uyanıklar yeni uzantılar üretmeye başladı alan adı (domain) sektorüne yeni uzantı icatları ile hareketlilik getirmek istiyorlar. bunları .TV .info gibi diğer isimlerin çıkmasında gördük sonra bu da yetmedi amerikadaki büyük şehirler (metropoller) kendi beldeleri ile WY wyomink CA california NY webyork gibi eyaletlere münhasır uzantılar ürettiler. sadece bu şehirde faaliyet gösterenlere hitaben insanlara satabilir miyiz şeklide bir fikir ürünüdür.
Alan adı uzantılarını adresini ziyaret ederek kademe kademe hangi tarihlerde önceliklerine göre kimlere satışa nasıl kaç paraya nerelerden satın alma işlemlerini gerçekleştireceklerinin bilgisi verilmektedir. Not : bir alan adının alma politikalarını o alan adının satan en tepe yazman belirlemektedir. bu politika işlemlerinde alan adını ilk kim alabilir koşulları nelerdir belge gerekli midir. aldıktan sonra ne kadar daha uzatılabilir ilk alımda kaç yıl alınabilir. transfer etmek isterse nasıl bir koşulla transfer edilebilir ödemesi gelip süresi dolan alan adlarının tekrar satışa sunulması gibi ve diğer teknik konuların konulmasından bahsediyorum.
Bizim konumuz olan .ist ve .istanbul daki proje de zaten dünyadaki tüm metropollerin deki, belediyelerinden alıntıdır.Bizim Türkler kendi kafasından fikir proje bir şey üretemez giderler Amerikandaki veya diğer devlerdeki belediye fuarına oradan fikri alır gelirler 🙂 Sonra bunu yaptık şunu yaptık diye hava atarlar. Reklam yaparlar, şahsi fikrim dünyanın bizi örnek alacağı işler yapması güdümünde olması sebebi ile bu eleştiriyi rahatlıkla yapıyorum.
Birde işin diğer algı operasyonu var onuda anlatacağım. Nedir alan Adı ? ile başlayalım.
alan adı bir internet adresinin teknik adıdır. www. dan sonraki kısmı alan adı dır örnek daki alan adıdır. .com ise company temsilen üretilen soyadıdır bu sistenin faaliyet konusunu etiketlemek için bu felsefe çıktı ama illaki birşrket olması gerek yok çıkış noktasından farklı faaliyetlerde com uzantılar olabilir .net ise network faaliyetleri için üretilmişti bunlar ilk internetin doğuşunda düşünülen uzantılardı yani internet adreslerinin bel kemiği uzantıları nelerdir dersek .com. .net .org. sonra .gov. .mil gibi devletsel derken .tv. info gibi… alan adları aslında bir bilgisayardaki yüklü dosyaları bize açar internet dediğimiz sayfa gezinme olayı teknik olarak budur. ama hangi bilgisayara hangi dosyaya nasıl gideceğimizin bilinmesi için hedefi bilmek gerekir bunun için her bilgisayarın bir ip adresi denilen yer bildirim adresi vardır bu sayısal ipv4 denilen bir protokol dünyada kullanılan en yaygın teknolojidir. aslında bilgisayarın adresi herkesin erişimine açık 4 bloktan oluşan en fazla bir blokta 0-255 arası rakamların olduğu her blokun nokta . işareti ile ayrılan ve bu kombinasyona göre yaklaşık 5 milyar adres üretilen protokol teknolojisine IPV4 denir yani açılımı internet provider version four .internet sağlayıcı protokolü verisyon 4. bu adreslerin rakamsal olması ve ezberlenmesi kolay olmadığından olarak isimlendirilip arka planda ilgili adrese bilgisayarın teknik olarak erişip ilgili dosyaları açma fikri ile www. doğmuştur. yani alan adı ihtiyaçtan icat edilmiştir. DNS de denile bir diğer ismi domain name server veya service olarak
birde ülke menşeyi var mesela ise türkiyede faaliyet gösteren bir şirket websitesi olduğunu anlammamız için üretilen mantık. ise alan yani ünlü markaları ve isim hakkı olan şahısları bir nevi gaza getirip .ist ve .istanbul almaları gerektiğinde bir piskolojik algı oluşturulacak ve satış yapılacak . ve zaten normal alan adlarına göre de .ist ve .istanbul ucuda değil şuanda $ cinsinden 25$ dolar gibi pahalı bir fiyat . yani her yıl ödeneceğini düşünürseniz. bir .com uzantısı 6$ iken neden 25$ vereyim.
kimlere gerek var büyük markalar dünya markalarının her uzantıyı alama gibi prestij amaçlı felsefeleri var ben bunada gereksi harcama diyorum ama bunlar alacaktır alırlar mantıklı olabilir ama sürekli uzantı çıkmaya başladı sürekli bu uzantıların alınması bence gereksiz kirlilik. tehti unauruda birinin eline geçer markamızı karalayan siteye yapar yada illegal olmayan yada legal bir cinsel içerikli site ile marka isim değerimizi tehtit etmesinler için geliştirilen bir taktiktir. mantık ilk gelen alır mantığında olduğundan çoğu uzantılarda başkalarının eline geçebilir.
.ist ve .istanbul alınmalı faydalı mı dır satın almaya ne kadar ihtiyaç var ? Kimler almalı ?
alan adı olanların kobilerin (küçük işletme) ve şahısların almasına gerek yoktur
trajik komik olan ise .ist ve .istanbul ile bir şehirde kısıtlı olan adımız oldu ama hala .tr adı bizim türkiyeyi temsil eden daha kısa plakamızın alan adı yok .jp japonya .tw tayvan .de almanya .fr fransa gibi bir çok ülkenin var bizim kisi ikinci alt kısımda olarak hem uzun hemde sadece com altına sığınmacı şekli var. birileri ülke için proje yapacak ise bunu halletsinler küçük menfaatler ile büyük büyük düşünmeyi unutanların yaptıkları budur 🙂
.tr ile ülkemizin global yeni dünya düzeninde gelişen internet ve iletişim teknolojisinde .tr ile daha iyi temsil edileceğine inanıyorum. hala satışta olmamasını da esefle kınıyorum 🙂
.ank ve .ankara istanbul da gibi diğer belediyelerde taklit edecektir. .antalya gibi memleket sevdalılarını bunlar ile kandırırlar.
ilk önce meraklı milletimiz alacak ve ilk sene ciddi bir yüksek satış yapacaktır ama sonra gerisi gelmeyecek tir kanaatindeyim.
Daha önce ki aylarda .tc diye uyanık bir iş adamı girişimcisi başka bir ülke adasının plakasını alıp .tc sanki Türkiye Cumhuriyeti uzantısıymış gibi insanları resmen kandırarak bilimsel gerçeklik dışında bir satıl yaptı buda ihtiyaç olmayan satışı yapma, çöp kirlilik projesidir sonra nin türkçe karkaterli alan adları satışı ise aslında diğer trajik komik girişimdir. .ist ve .istanbul belki şehir içindeki birkaç fikir internet sitesi için mantıklı olabilir ama fiyatları bahalı olması yine eleştirdiğim bir husu mesela metropol sitesi için gibi bir uznatı ile şehrin mekanlarını anlatan fikirler bu fikirlerde 3-5 geçmeyeceğinden yine kendi fikrimce balon bir projedir onlarda varsa bizde neden yok olayıdır gaza gelip kendi firmanızın uzantısını alıp gereksiz milli hasılat harcaması yapmayın o kadar zengin bir ülke değiliz. bence .com. veya varsa sorunyok hem daha prestijli bakın 🙂 türkçe alan adının neden balon bir proje olduğunu anlatmıştım bu makalemi de ayrıca okuyabilir siniz.
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( karakter setine inşa edilmiş olan bilgisayar mimarisinde Türkçe karakterler yer almadığı için bir mühendis olarak teknik anlamda tabiri caizse çakma deninen bir çözümle türkçe alan adı çözümlemesi e-posta gönderme ve her bilgisyar da çalışmama ve yabancı dillerdeki sistemlerde sorun oluşturacağını söyleyeli nerede ise 5 yıl oldu 🙂
tüm alan adları için linki tıklayınız
neden .TR alan adımız yok sorusunu internet ‘te araştırınca aşağıdaki kaynakları buldum direkt paylaşıyorum. kesin bir nedenini bulamadım ama satılmaması çok garip var ama var ama diğerleri yok yani neden satışta değil asıl sorumuz ?–tr-uzantili-bir-alan-adimiz-yok.aspx
İnternete ilgi duyan arkadaşlarım ve duyarlı müşterilerim bu soruyu sıkça sormaktalar. Örneğin Almanya .de, İngiltere, Amerika .us, Kazakistan .kz, Fas .ma domain uzantısını kullanmakta. Türkiye ise uzantılı alan adını seçmiş durumda. Rusya vd. ülkelerde, gibi isimler mevcut. Bizde neden her iki isim yok diyeceksiniz. Bu konuda dedikodu nevinden birçok yorum mevcut. Bunlardan en doğrusu Türkiyenin 1990 yılında TÜVAKA’ya (Türkiye Üniversiteler ve Araştırma Kurumları Ağı) yapılan başvuru sonucunda ikinci düzey alt alan adını benimsemiş olması.
Türkiye de alan adının tescili için birçok belge talep edilmekte. Bu alanda da devletimizin engelleyici, prosüdürel yapısı karşımıza çıkmakta. Oysaki birçok ülke hatta Moldova, Ermenistan, İsrail gibi ülkeler bile ülkesine ait alan adı uzantısının yurt içi ve yurtdışı satışını teşvik etmekteler. Bu durumu ülkeleri açısından bir tanıtım aracı ve gelir kapısı olarak görmekteler.
Peki .tr alan adının avantajı ne olacak?
.tr alan adı kısa olmasından dolayı kullanıcıya yazım kolaylığı sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca internet adres satırına yazılan internet adresinin kısa olması arama motorları tarafından yapılan aramalarda ilgili site verilerinin indekslenmesi noktasında artı bir değer oluşturmaktadır. .tr alan adı .de, .ru, .ma, .az, .kz, .uz, .kg, .cn, .gr, .ir vb diğer ülke uzantılarında olduğu gibi tüm dünyaya hem Türk firmaları hem de akredite olacak diğer yabancı firmalar tarafından satılabilecektir. İlgili satış ülkemize döviz girişi kazandıracaktır. Ülkemizin uzantısı olan ile birlikte .tr Türkiyeyi temsil etmesi dolayısıyla ülkemizin adının yaygınlaşmasına vesile olacaktır. Bunu bir nevi internet bazlı kültür ihracı olarak değerlendirebiliriz. Örneğin Doğu Afrika da küçük bir ülke olan Cibuti (Djibouti) .dj uzantısı ile dünyaya adını duyurmuş 800.000 nüfuslu küçük bir ülkedir. Yavru vatan Kıbrısımıza gelecek olursak Dünyada cy – Kıbrıs uzantısını kullanım yetkisini Güney Kıbrıs eline bulundurmakta olup, Kuzey Kıbrısa ait herhangi bir uzantı mevcut değildir. Ülkemizde sıkça satın alınan .cc – Cocos Adalarına ait, .co – Kolombiyaya ait, .tc Turks & Ciacos adalarına ve .tv Tuvaluya ait uzantılardır.
Bu konuda yaşanan ayrı bir handikap alan adlarının uzantı açıklamalarının Türkçe olmaması. Devlet Ticaret Odasına kayıt yaptırırken yabancı isimleri kabul etmiyor (bunu sonuna kadar destekliyorum) fakat domain satışına gelince “.com”. İngilizce “commercial” sonuna .tr ekleyerek neden kendi alan adını piyasaya dayattığını,Türkiyenin uluslararası tanımı olan .tr kısaltmasını kullanmak varken neden de ısrar edildiğini domain hosting sektörüne yıllarını vermiş birisi olarak henüz anlamış değilim. uzantısında bu sorun devam ederken (goverment), (education), (kolej manasında Amerikada zorunlu eğitimin 12 yıl olmasından dolayı bu şekilde ifade ediliyor), (organization) vb. domain uzantılarında ingilizce uzantılar kullanılmakta ve zihinlere yerleştirilmekte. Bununla birlikte ve gibi uzantılarımız gösteriyor ki istenirse Türkçe uzantılar çok rahat ülkemizde kullanılabilinir.
Konuya dair alan adı tescil yetkilisi ye bilgi edinme hakkımızı kullanarak başvuruda bulundum. Başvuru sonucu gecikmeden dolayı özür dilenerek yaklaşık 5-6 hafta sonra telefonla geldi. Telefondaki yetkili kanuni cevap zorunluluğunu konuyu yuvarlayarak yerine getirdi. Doğrusu yetkilinin verdiği cevap beni tatmin etmedi. Beni ilgilendiren konu ülkemiz adına .tr olarak kısa bir isim kullanıp kullanamamak. .tr alan adının ulusal ve uluslararası satışının gerçekleştirilmesi.
Evet sevgili dostlar .tr demek tanıtım demek, döviz demek, kolay kulanım demektir. Umarım sesimize bir kulak veren olur.
tünyadaki şuan için tüm alan adları henüz bu listeye .is ve .istanbul girmemiş 🙁
Domain extension | USD / year | Description |
Commercial |
$14.90 | The most registered domain extension on the planet. |
.CO 41% off!
Colombia |
$17.50then $29.90/year | It’s .com without the m. |
Network |
$15.50 | Think garage startups, beards before they were cool, and hobbyist tinkering. |
Organization |
$16.30 | For organizations that aren’t companies (or are… who are we to judge). |
Club |
$19.90 | Make da club your own. |
Generic |
$69.00 | It’s the square hole for your square peg. |
Generic |
$39.00 | If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck… |
Generic |
$29.00 | Where pictures transmogrify into photographs. |
How-To |
$29.00 | People need help. |
.IO 16% off!
British Indian Ocean Territory |
$49.00then $59.00/year | The going definition of nerd-cool. |
.ME 40% off!
Montenegro |
$14.90then $24.90/year | It’s not you, it’s me. |
.US 47% off!
$9.90then $19.00/year | Hey USA, you have a ccTLD! |
Canada |
$19.00 | O Canada, we have a domain extension for thee. |
Asia |
$24.90 | Asia’s a big place, and this covers all of it. |
Europe |
$12.50 | Blanket the European Union with your presence. |
Ascension Island |
$59.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ascension Island. |
Education |
$39.00 | Where people come to learn and train. |
.ACCOUNTANT 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | The place to maximize your firm’s ROI. |
Generic |
$149.00 | It’s like .accountant, but plural. |
Generic |
$49.00 | The domain extension for actors and the greater acting community. |
Generic |
$129.00 | It’s the domain extension for adults… for adult things, like buying real estate and raising children. |
United Arab Emirates |
$39.00 | A second-level domain alternative for the United Arab Emirates. |
United Arab Emirates |
$69.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Arab Emirates. |
Afghanistan |
$125.00 | .AF post-registration instructions |
Antigua and Barbuda |
$119.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Antigua and Barbuda. |
Agency |
$29.00 | Every agency needs a website. |
Armenia |
$99.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Armenia. |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for the realestate industry |
Argentina |
$39.00 | The Argentinean domain for everyone. |
Argentina |
$99.00 | The second-level domain for Argentina. |
Generic |
$119.00 | Architecture for minimalists. |
American Samoa |
$99.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for American Samoa. |
Generic |
$39.00 | You’re in the inner circle now. |
Austria |
$29.00 | Where you at? Austria, clearly. |
Generic |
$49.00 | Attorneys need websites too. |
Australia |
$24.90 | Australia’s most popular web address. |
Australia |
$24.90 | Australia’s home for basic, instinctual drives (at least that’s what Freud would say). |
Australia |
$24.90 | Australia’s web address for internet related topics. |
Australia |
$24.90 | Domains for organizations down unduh. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A dedicated web address for auctions |
Generic |
$19.90 | High-fidelity domains. |
Generic |
$29.00 | A web address for bands |
Generic |
$99.00 | Your digital drinking establishment. |
Bargains |
$39.00 | This is why the internet was created. |
Generic |
$59.00 | German for Bavaria (you probably knew that already). |
Belgium |
$19.00 | The .be, or not to .be? |
Generic |
$39.00 | “Milk are for babies, when you get older you drink beer.” – Arnold |
Berlin |
$69.00 | The city domain for Berliners. |
Reviews |
$139.00 | Possibly the best thing you’ll buy today. |
Generic |
$24.90 | |
.BID 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | You don’t have to bid for these domains. |
Biking |
$39.00 | I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. |
Generic |
$69.00 | You clearly came here to win. |
Generic |
$99.00 | Write your story before someone else does. |
Business |
$19.90 | Business with a Z is serious. |
.BLACK 85% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $69.00/year | Black is the new black. |
Generic |
$59.00 | When two dudes will inevitably fight over a sweet TV. |
.BLUE 50% off!
Blue |
$9.90then $19.90/year | Blue like websites. |
Boutique |
$39.00 | The home independent fashion and craft creations. |
Brazil |
$59.00 | A second-level domain substitute for all things Brazil. |
Generic |
$59.00 | Home to the EU, NATO, and perhaps the world’s best waffle. |
Construction |
$99.00 | Make something great. |
Generic |
$39.00 | For builders who build things. |
Generic |
$29.00 | Let’s get down to business. |
Marketing |
$49.00 | Like a bee, or a really short hair cut. |
Belize |
$39.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Belize. |
Transportation |
$39.00 | It’ll get you to your destination. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Eat, drink, and be merry. |
Camera |
$39.00 | RAW? Is that going to make me sick? |
Generic |
$39.00 | Better than keeping the kids home all summer. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for Capetown residents and businesses. |
Generic |
$69.00 | Not to be confused with capitol. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Probably for Digimon card websites. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Sharing is caring (but don’t share your personal information online). |
Generic |
$149.00 | Because the internet is one big Career Day. |
Jobs |
$59.00 | So many opportunities! |
Generic |
$39.00 | It’s house in Spanish. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Sometimes you just need some cash money. |
Generic |
$199.00 | “In the casino, the cardinal rule is to keep them playing and to keep them coming back.” |
Generic |
$39.00 | Food service for the web community (we’re all hungry). |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
$19.90 | Does it get more exotic than the Cocos (Keeling) Islands? |
Centers |
$29.00 | It’s the nucleus of the web’s core. |
Switzerland |
$24.90 | CH, for Switzerland’s Latin name, Confoederatio Helvetica. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Sometimes the internet is sooooooo chatty. |
Cheap |
$39.00 | For cheap stuff, but in a good way. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Give me all your eggnog. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Where the internet comes to pray. |
Generic |
$29.00 | There may or may not be 2,162,373 cities on Earth. |
Chile |
$79.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Chile. |
Generic |
$69.00 | *Claim* your newest domain name. (See what we did there?) |
Generic |
$39.00 | Because cleanliness is next to Godliness. |
Generic |
$12.50 | Click. Click. Clickclick. Clickclickclickclickclick. Bingo. |
Generic |
$64.00 | Clinical domain registration precision. |
Clothes |
$39.00 | Wear your clothes. Don’t let them wear you. |
.CLOUD 59% off!
Generic |
$15.90then $39.00/year | Our cloud has 3.5x more cloud than your cloud. |
Cameroon |
$149.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Cameroon. |
China |
$39.00 | If you can’t get .CN, get .CN.COM. |
United Kingdom |
$12.50 | Remember when .UK wasn’t a thing? |
Generic |
$69.00 | A special web address for coaches |
Codes |
$69.00 | Online spaces for codes and stuff. |
Generic |
$39.00 | The stuff that wakes the world up. |
Generic |
$99.00 | A college degree is worth its weight in gold (are degrees heavy?). |
Generic |
$19.00 | It’s meant for the city, not the smell-good spray. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Find your place in the world. |
Companies |
$29.00 | Get your TPS reports ready. |
Tech |
$39.00 | You’re on a computer, writing about computers. Inception! |
Generic |
$69.00 | They’re like houses, but attached and stacked. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Hire people. Buy materials. Make things. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Brand your services with this business-specific TLD |
Generic |
$39.00 | Some jobs are meant for specialists. |
Generic |
$39.00 | The best (and most delicious) way to impress someone. |
Cool |
$39.00 | Immerse yourself in the cool. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Sometimes you just need cheap beer and a truck. |
Generic |
$69.00 | Some say the internet is for knowledge—others say it’s for amazing online coupons. |
Generic |
$59.00 | Give the gift of knowledge. |
Generic |
$149.00 | Good credit is definitely better than bad credit. |
.CRICKET 90% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $99.00/year | A domain for the cricket community |
Generic |
$69.00 | Not just a cruise, but multiple cruises. |
Christmas Island |
$119.00then $79.00/year | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Christmas Island. |
Czech Republic |
$19.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Czech Republic. |
Dance |
$29.00 | A web address for the dance community |
.DATE 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | Is there a more noble task than helping someone find a date? (Person or delicious fruit of the date palm…both are worth the effort.) |
Generic |
$69.00 | Dating as a service. |
Germany |
$12.50 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Germany. |
Generic |
$39.00 | “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse” – Michael Corleone |
Generic |
$59.00 | C’s get degrees. |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for delivery services |
Democrat |
$39.00 | A domain for democratic parties and organizations |
Generic |
$69.00 | 9 out of 10 dentists agree that you need a website. |
Generic |
$49.00 | A new branding opportunity for dentists and dental practices |
Jewelry |
$59.00 | Make the web sparkle. |
Generic |
$29.00 | Are we not eating carbs anymore? |
Generic |
$39.00 | Ones and zeroes. Ones and zeroes. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Get from point A to C without all the B. |
Generic |
$29.00 | Find all the things, without all the searching. |
Generic |
$39.00 | It’s more of a philosophy at this point. |
Denmark |
$19.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Denmark. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Who let these websites out? Woof, woof, woof, woof. |
Web |
$39.00 | Domains for domains! FTW! |
.DOWNLOAD 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | Serve up all the files the internet will ever need with a .DOWNLOAD domain. |
Generic |
$39.00 | The domain of South Africa’s second largest metro area. |
Generic |
$39.00 | I’m not from a country. I’m from the Earth, mannnnn. |
Ecuador |
$99.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ecuador. |
Generic |
$29.00 | “We don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control.” |
Generic |
$29.00 | Let’s do more with that mess. |
Generic |
$149.00 | A domain for the energy world |
Generic |
$39.00 | The web address for all engineers |
Generic |
$69.00 | How many engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? |
Business |
$39.00 | How many Enterprises has the Star Trek crew destroyed? |
Generic |
$29.00 | Get your gear in order. |
Spain |
$19.00 | The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Spain. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Pioneering the art of the .estate sale. |
European Union |
$29.00 | It’s EU, with a side of com. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Where every event is a special event. |
Generic |
$39.00 | Swap, trade, bid, or buy everything. |
Expert |
$69.00 | Are you the person with all the answers? |
Exposed |
$29.00 | Secrets can only stay quiet for so long on the internet. |
Generic |
$39.00 | For those who need things fast. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A fun web address alternative |
.FAITH 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | Because I gotta have faith // I gotta have faith // Because I got to have faith, faith // I gotta have faith, faith, faith |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain name for families worldwide |
Generic |
$99.00 | |
Farm |
$39.00 | Do you grow crops for a living? Have an abnormal love for plaid and overalls? .FARM is definitely the domain extension for you. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for fashionistas |
Generic |
$69.00 | The online namespace for banking, planning and money management |
Generic |
$69.00 | Brand your domain as a financial service with this descriptive extension |
Generic |
$39.00 | Grow your presence in the fishing community with the fish top-level domain |
Generic |
$39.00 | The web address for the fishing community |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the fitness industry |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the global fitness community |
Generic |
$69.00 | The TLD for travel deals, flight information and amazing getaways |
Generic |
$39.00 | The domain extension for florists |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for the florist industry |
Federated States of Micronesia |
$99.00 | Brought to you by the Federated States of Micronesia |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain for the football community |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for selling goods and services |
Foundation |
$39.00 | A branding must for non-profits, think tanks and organizations |
France |
$49.00 | The French country code top-level domain (ccTLD) |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for financial services |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for the furniture industry |
Generic |
$19.00 | A domain for the football community |
Generic |
$29.00 | A new internet namespace |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain name for galleries |
Generic |
$49.00 | A domain for the (video) game industry |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the gardening industry |
Great Britain |
$99.00 | Web address substitute for the United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Grenada |
$59.00 | Top-level domain name suffix of Grenada in the Caribbean |
Guernsey |
$149.00 | The country code suffix of Guernsey |
Ecommerce |
$29.00 | A unique web address for everyone |
Generic |
$39.00 | What does .GIFTS stand for? |
Generic |
$39.00 | Giving back now has its own place on the web |
Greenland |
$89.00 | Official web address extension of Greenland |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for the glass industry |
Generic |
$99.00 | Take your brand worldwide, and let it be known |
Generic |
$149.00 | I love gooooooold. |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for the golf community |
Greece |
$39.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Greece |
Generic |
$29.00 | A web address for graphic designers |
Generic |
$29.00 | A website address alternative |
.GREEN 90% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $99.00/year | A greener web address for the environment |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for service reviews |
Generic |
$34.90 | A new web address alternative |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
$39.00 | Domain suffix of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A special web address for guides |
Music |
$39.00 | A web address for the guitar community |
Experts |
$39.00 | A creative web address for experts |
Guyana |
$49.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Guyana |
Generic |
$69.00 | For businesses and invididuals in the German city of Hamburg |
Generic |
$39.00 | The German top-level domain for the housing industry |
Generic |
$79.00 | |
Generic |
$29.00 | Show visitors that you care! |
Generic |
$29.00 | Break away from the establishment with hip-hop’s true domain extension |
Honduras |
$99.00 | Register the Honduran country domain name |
Generic |
$69.00 | The perfect domain extension for checking, slashing, boarding, and fighting. |
Holdings |
$69.00 | Assemble your portfolio online with the .HOLDINGS domain extension. |
Holiday |
$69.00 | From the happiest days of the year direct to your digital domain |
Generic |
$39.00 | The domain extension for the wide world of horses |
Generic |
$149.00 | A web address for hosting services |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the hosting industry |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address (not only) for house music fans |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for knowledge websites |
Haiti |
$129.00 | Haitian internet country top-level domain name extension |
Hungary |
$59.00 | International second-level alternative to Hungary’s .HU extension. |
Isle of Man |
$29.00 | Another personal domain for your blog, website or email address |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain extension for real estate services |
Generic |
$39.00 | Germany’s real estate web address |
India |
$24.90 | Get the Indian country code suffix, one of Asia’s emerging giants |
Generic |
$39.00 | For companies and production sectors of all sizes |
.INFO 40% off!
Information |
$9.90then $16.50/year | Purchase a .INFO domain for informational websites |
Generic |
$39.00 | Perfect for when you’re in the black—or in the red |
Generic |
$29.00 | The domain alternative for institutes |
Generic |
$69.00 | A new extension for sites providing insurance and related services |
Generic |
$29.00 | A global web address alternative |
Generic |
$149.00 | Invest your money wisely in this descriptive top-level domain |
Iceland |
$99.00 | Icelandic country code top-level domain (ccTLD) |
Italy |
$34.90 | The official Italian domain name extension |
Jersey |
$149.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Jersey |
Generic |
$29.00 | Register your .jetzt (German for “now”) domain |
Generic |
$69.00 | The perfect gift for the distinguished iwantmynamer. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the city of Johannesburg |
Japan |
$69.00 | Secure your name in the official Japanese top-level domain |
Japan |
$59.00 | A more affordable international alternative to the .JP TLD from Japan |
Generic |
$19.90 | The Spanish domain extension for games and gaming |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for ecommerce services |
.KIM 50% off!
Kim |
$9.90then $19.90/year | A domain for individuals with the surname Kim |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the kitchen industry |
New Zealand |
$35.90 | The personal web address for Kiwis |
Generic |
$19.00 | A new online identity for Köln |
Korea |
$59.00 | .KR.COM is a substitute choice for the Korea’s .KR internet address |
Generic |
$109.00 | |
Laos |
$49.00 | Official country domain suffix of Laos, also used in Los Angeles |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for everyone |
Generic |
$49.00 | A web address for lawyers |
Saint Lucia |
$49.00 | Domain extension of the Caribbean island Saint Lucia |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for the leasing industry |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for legal services |
.LGBT 83% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $59.00/year | It’s the extension for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) causes. |
Liechtenstein |
$24.90 | ccTLD of the European Principality of Liechtenstein |
Generic |
$39.00 | If you need a new domain name, choose one that’ll be good for life |
Lighting |
$29.00 | A web address for the lighting industry |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain alternative for companies |
Transportation |
$59.00 | A new web address alternative |
General |
$15.50 | The missing web address on the internet |
Generic |
$34.90 | A domain for live concerts and performances |
.LOAN 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | Lend the internet a hand with a new .LOAN domain. |
Generic |
$149.00 | Brand your business as a place for loans with this domain extension |
Generic |
$39.00 | A fun web address alternative |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for Londoners |
Generic |
$39.00 | Show your love with a domain! |
Lithuania |
$29.00 | Buy the Lithuanian internet web address |
Luxembourg |
$39.00 | Dedicated country code domain extension of Luxembourg |
Latvia |
$39.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Latvia |
Generic |
$69.00 | An elegant French word meaning “house” |
Business |
$29.00 | A web address for managers |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for markets online and offline |
Marketing |
$39.00 | A domain for the marketing industry |
Generic |
$49.00 | |
Generic |
$39.00 | A generic web address alternative |
Generic |
$89.00 | A domain for the city of Melbourne |
Generic |
$69.00 | Remember loved ones with a special domain |
.MEN 79% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $49.00/year | |
Menus |
$49.00 | A truly unique web address |
Generic |
$29.00 | |
Mongolia |
$79.00 | The Mongolian country internet address or Minnesota domain |
Mobile |
$24.90 | Reserve your own .MOBI domain name For all things mobile |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the fashion industry |
Japan |
$29.00 | Japanese for fictional characters described as adorable |
Generic |
$59.00 | A fun web address alternative |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the finance community |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain extension for the mortgage and home loan market |
Montserrat |
$49.00 | ccTLD of the British Oversea Territory Montserrat |
Mauritius |
$119.00 | Get the Mauritian country code top-level domain (ccTLD) |
Mexico |
$59.00 | Protect your identity with the Mexican country code TLD |
Malaysia |
$149.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Malaysia |
Generic |
$29.00 | A geographic web address for Nagoya |
Names |
$14.90 | Express yourself with an exquisit personal domain name |
Generic |
$29.00 | A new alternative to the .NET domain extension |
Generic |
$34.90 | A web address for news organizations |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) |
Generic |
$24.90 | A fun web address for geeks |
Netherlands |
$14.90 | The Dutch domain suffix is the preferred choice in the Netherlands |
Norway |
$59.00 | Take this domain extension as an alternative web address for Norway |
Niue |
$39.00 | ccTLD (country code top-level domain) for the island state of Niue |
Generic |
$49.00 | The city web address for New Yorkers |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | Domain extension for educational institutions |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | Get the .ORG.NZ web address for your website in New Zealand |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | Get the personal web address for New Zealanders |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | Second-level domain of New Zealand for networks |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | For schools and educational institutions in New Zealand |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | General domain extension for all Kiwi peeps |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | THE domain name for all Kiwi geeks is sweet as! |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | Get ready to drop the ‘co’ from your ‘’! |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | New Zealand’s domain extension is the main choice for Kiwis |
New Zealand |
$19.00 | Indigenous second-level domain |
Generic |
$24.90 | A geographic web address |
Generic |
$16.90 | A .com domain alternative for your website |
Generic |
$69.00 | An alternative domain for your website |
.OSAKA 49% off!
Generic |
$29.90then $59.00/year | A Japanese web address alternative |
Generic |
$79.00 | Special registration requirements |
Generic |
$69.00 | A popular business-name ending for collaborative entities |
Generic |
$39.00 | The destination for parts of all shapes and sizes |
.PARTY 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | A domain for your special event |
Peru |
$99.00 | The official internet address suffix of Peru |
Philippines |
$49.00 | Domain name extension of the Republic of the Philippines |
Photography |
$39.00 | The TLD for digital photography and your best captured moments |
Photography |
$29.00 | A web address for photo services |
Photography |
$29.00 | The shortest TLD for online photos and albums |
Generic |
$15.50 | A web address for photography |
.PINK 50% off!
Pink |
$9.90then $19.90/year | A memorable domain alternative |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for Pizzerias |
Poland |
$29.00 | Polish country code top-level domain suffix |
Generic |
$39.00 | The dedicated place for your site on the web |
Plumbers |
$39.00 | A web address for plumbers |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address alternative |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
$49.00 | Domain suffix of Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
.POKER 83% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $59.00/year | A web address for the Poker community |
Generic |
$129.00 | It’s for porn sites. Let’s not beat around the bush. |
Generic |
$99.00 | A unique online identity |
.PRO 60% off!
Professional |
$9.90then $24.90/year | |
Generic |
$39.00 | For media studios and storytelling industries |
Generic |
$39.00 | The TLD for real estate agents and property managers |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the real estate industry |
Portugal |
$49.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Portugal |
Generic |
$39.00 | The domain extension for pubs and meeting places |
Palau |
$14.90 | Domain extension of the island nation Palau |
Qatar |
$59.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Qatar |
Quebec |
$39.00 | QC.COM domains may be used for the province of Quebec in Canada |
Generic |
$24.90 | An alternative namespace for coupon sites and blogs |
Generic |
$59.00 | The new domain extension for the Canadian province of Quebec |
.RACING 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | A domain for the racing industry |
Reunion |
$49.00 | Get Reunion’s top-level domain extension |
Recipes |
$59.00 | A web address for recipe sites |
.RED 50% off!
Red |
$9.90then $19.90/year | A very special web address |
Generic |
$39.00 | Make your rehab information and locations easier to find |
Generic |
$189.00 | A domain for the German travel industry |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain for the German travel industry |
Generic |
$99.00 | |
Generic |
$39.00 | For websites dealing with real estate or rented goods |
Generic |
$39.00 | The top-level domain for repair shops |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain extension for online reports and analysis |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the Republican Party |
Generic |
$49.00 | Catch up on your Z’s with this relaxing top-level domain |
Generic |
$79.00 | A web address for restaurants |
.REVIEW 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | A special domain for online reviews |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain for review services |
Generic |
$24.90 | For digital memorial pages and Halloween enthusiasts |
Generic |
$19.00 | From rocks to awesomeness, give your site the name it needs |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain alternative for rodeos |
Russian Federation |
$59.00 | An international web address alternative for the Russian Federation |
Generic |
$29.00 | Joggers, sprinters, and marathon racers now have a TLD to keep the sport moving. |
Generic |
$19.90 | The domain extension for Japan’s volcanic Ryukyu islands |
Saudi Arabia |
$69.00 | Anybody interested in Saudi Arabia can register .SA.COM domains |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for selling goods |
Generic |
$89.00 | A unique web address for salons |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for companies |
Solomon Islands |
$99.00 | This is the domain name extension of the Solomon Islands |
Seychelles |
$119.00 | From the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean comes this domain extension |
Generic |
$39.00 | A dedicated web address for schools |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain for educational institutions |
.SCIENCE 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | A web address dedicated to science and research |
Scotland |
$69.00 | A web address for the Scottish community |
Sweden |
$39.00 | The Swedish top-level domain extension |
Generic |
$39.00 | The perfect domain extension for online and offline services |
People |
$29.00 | .SEXY is a new web address alternative |
Singapore |
$59.00 | Singaporean country code top-level domain (ccTLD) |
Singapore |
$59.00 | Singaporean TLD for businesses |
Saint Helena |
$59.00 | Official ccTLD of the British Overseas Territory Saint Helena |
.SHIKSHA 50% off!
Shiksha |
$9.90then $19.90/year | A domain for educational institutions |
Shoes |
$39.00 | A domain for the shoe industry |
Generic |
$39.00 | There’s no biz like .showbiz! |
Dating |
$39.00 | The web address for dating sites |
Generic |
$39.00 | A dedicated domain for your website |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for the ski industry |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain for the Soccer community |
Generic |
$39.00 | A new web address alternative |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain alternative for your applications |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the solar industry |
Generic |
$29.00 | A web address alternative |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the Spanish language community |
Generic |
$14.90 | A next generation internet namespace |
Generic |
$99.00 | A domain for ecommerce sites |
Generic |
$34.90 | |
Generic |
$59.00 | |
Generic |
$39.00 | A very stylish domain alternative |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain for suppliers |
Generic |
$29.00 | A new domain alternative |
Generic |
$29.00 | An alternative web address for helping people |
Surf |
$39.00 | The web address for all things surfing |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for the medical industry |
Sint Maarten |
$49.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Saint Maarten |
Generic |
$89.00 | Sydney’s own top-level domain name |
Technology |
$29.00 | A domain for tech companies |
Artists |
$39.00 | A web address for the tattoo community |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for accountants |
Generic |
$69.00 | Transportation is going digital with the new .TAXI domain extension. |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
$119.00 | Country code domain of the Turks and Caicos Islands |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain name for teams worldwide |
Generic |
$99.00 | Your web address for the digital age |
Generic |
$29.00 | A web address for the tech industry |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address for the tennis community |
French Southern Territories |
$49.00 | Country code domain extension of French Southern Territories |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for theaters around the globe |
Generic |
$69.00 | Spanish for shop, .TIENDA is the TLD for latin e-commerce |
Generic |
$139.00 | A domain for the tire industry |
Tokelau |
$19.00 | The domain name extension of Tokelau in the Pacific Ocean |
Timor-Leste |
$119.00then $79.00/year | .TL is the ccTLD of the Asian country Timor-Leste (East Timor) |
Tonga |
$99.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Tonga |
Generic |
$29.00 | A web address alternative |
Generic |
$24.90 | A city web address for Japan |
Generic |
$39.00 | Become the destination for builders and creators |
.TOP 47% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $19.00/year | A web address for rankings |
Generic |
$69.00 | You know what makes a tour good? Samples. Remember that when you’re making your website. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain alternative for towns |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address for the toy industry |
.TRADE 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | A web address for financial services |
Generic |
$119.00 | A web address for the trading community |
Generic |
$39.00 | A top-level domain for trainers, coaches and educators |
Tuvalu |
$39.00 | Buy the .TV web address for your video site or blog |
Taiwan |
$49.00 | Taiwanese internet address and perfect for all things Twitter |
United Kingdom |
$12.50 | Not only for organisations, nonprofits and open source projects in the United Kingdom |
United Kingdom |
$12.50 | Register your personal domain name with the .ME.UK suffix |
United Kingdom |
$12.50 | The second level extension for the United Kingdom |
United Kingdom |
$59.00 | International domain for websites related to the United Kingdom |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for universities |
Spanish |
$24.90 | A new domain for the Spanish-speaking internet |
United States of America |
$29.00 | Get a .US.COM domain to show your affiliation with the United States |
Uruguay |
$59.00 | Serves as an international substitute to the Uruguayan .UY TLD (top-level domain) |
Generic |
$39.00 | “I need a vacation” – Terminator |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
$59.00 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines uses the .VC domain extension |
Generic |
$79.00 | What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas—and on your website |
Businesses |
$59.00 | Give your venture a unique web address |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for veterinary service providers |
British Virgin Islands |
$49.00 | Purchase the .VG country domain of the British Virgin Islands |
Viajes |
$69.00 | A web address for the travel industry |
Generic |
$29.00 | A domain extension for video services |
Generic |
$69.00 | Part country house, part European palace, villas mean luxury |
Generic |
$69.00 | A web address the wine industry |
Generic |
$49.90 | The web address VIPs and events |
Generic |
$39.00 | A multi-use domain for the photography and optometry industries |
Generic |
$59.00 | Grab a digital slice of Vlaanderen (also called Flanders), the Dutch-speaking portion of Belgium. |
Generic |
$39.00 | A web address alternative |
Generic |
$99.00 | Reach voters on an extension built for activism |
Generic |
$89.00 | A domain for elections of any kind |
Travel |
$59.00 | A web address for travelers |
Generic |
$15.50 | New top-level domain for all websites |
Watch |
$39.00 | Timepieces, clocks and watches get a targeted Top-Level Domain |
.WEBCAM 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | A domain for webcam services |
Generic |
$39.00 | A unique web address for your wedding! |
Wallis and Futuna |
$49.00 | Register Wallis and Futuna’s top-level domain |
Generic |
$69.00 | The city domain extension of Vienna (Austria) |
Generic |
$39.00 | The unique web address for wikis |
.WIN 74% off!
Generic |
$9.90then $39.00/year | Some come to play, others come to .WIN. |
Generic |
$69.00 | A domain for the wine industry |
Generic |
$7.50 | A domain for the working world |
Works |
$39.00 | Motor works, collected works, making things work—.WORKS means production |
Generic |
$39.00 | A global domain extension for any kind of website |
.WS 57% off!
Western Samoa |
$14.90then $34.90/year | .WS is the ccTLD of Western Samoa and short for WebSite |
Generic |
$39.00 | Single out the absurd with the WTF domain extension |
China |
$49.00 | A domain for the Chinese internet |
.移动 50% off!
China |
$9.90then $19.90/year | A domain for Chinese businesses and organizations |
Russian Federation |
$19.00 | A web address for organizations |
China |
$49.00 | A domain for the Chinese web community |
India |
$19.00 | A domain for organizations and institutions |
China |
$19.00 | Chinese web address for organizations |
Japan |
$19.00 | A web address for everyone! |
.世界 74% off!
China |
$14.90then $59.00/year | Chinese web address meaning world, globe, universe (or similar) |
Generic |
$19.00 | No ending is more memorable than the end of the alphabet |
Generic |
$39.00 | A domain for the Yoga community |
Generic |
$24.90 | City top-level domain of Yokohama (Japan) |
Mayotte |
$49.00 | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Mayotte |
South Africa |
$12.50 | The official web address suffix of South Africa |
South Africa |
$59.00 | .ZA.COM is an international web address alternative for South Africa |
Zone |
$39.00 | The destination for digital files and important destinations |
12 Mayıs 2016 @ 08:42
Syn Karadere,
Bu uzun yazınızda hem yeni başlayanlar için temel bilgilerin yer alması hem de işi bilenler için detaylı bilgilerin yer alması hususunda yapmış olduğunuz emeği taktir ediyorum.
İyi çalışmalar…
14 Mayıs 2016 @ 14:40
Teşekkürler Malik bey.
25 Haziran 2016 @ 04:53
Uzun süredir internet sitenizi takip ediyorum çok teşekkür ederim
26 Haziran 2016 @ 10:25