Client Administration, Kernel Upgrade, RZ10, SM04, SM12, SM13, SM36, SM50, SM51, SM59,SMLG, SU01, Update Management
After reading this comprehensive material, you will get an overview for the most used SAP Basis Activities for the following processes;
- Active Servers SM51
- Work process overview SM50
- User Overview SM04
- Active Users Al08
- System Logs SM21
- ABAP runtime error/ ABAP dumps ST22
- Client Administration
- User Management SU01
- RFC Destination SM59
- System Profiles RZ10
- Logon Group (Logon Load Balancing) SMLG
- Lock Entries SM12
- Background Job management SM36 / SM37
- Update Management SM13
- Kernel Upgrade Step by Step
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Mar 8 2016
SAP BASIS basic configuration transaction
Client Administration, Kernel Upgrade, RZ10, SM04, SM12, SM13, SM36, SM50, SM51, SM59,SMLG, SU01, Update Management
After reading this comprehensive material, you will get an overview for the most used SAP Basis Activities for the following processes;
By Burhan KARADERE • 2015 - 2016, Basis, SAP • 0 • Tags: Basis, SAP