C# Notlarım

Bu notlar c# projesinin anlamaya çalışırken aldığım notlarımdır.

VP projesini c# çevirme



dockpanel örneği http://dockpanelsuite.com/



If we write in the same way as above for the hashtable then we would not get the desired values.
Hashtable ss = new Hashtable();
ss[“key1″] =”india”;
ss[“key2”] = “bharat”;
    foreach (object gg in ss)
Console.WriteLine(“Key value is ” + gg);
Here we get  System.Collections.DictionaryEntry and System.Collections.DictionaryEntry as output instead of the value pairs stored in the hashtable.
In this case we can help of DictinaryEntry object for iterating the hashtable.
 foreach(DictionaryEntry gg in ss)
Console.WriteLine(“Key  and  value are ” + gg.Key + ”   ”  + gg.Value);
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